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2023: Mutfwang, Plateau PDP candidate for governor, explains what he will do for security personnel



Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) candidate for governor in Plateau State, has stated his commitment to enhancing the welfare of security personnel in the state so that, if elected in 2023, they will be able to react quickly to security challenges.

He also pointed out that giving the state’s security personnel the necessary security intelligence and boosting their morale with welfare benefits will help them show more devotion to combating new security challenges in rural areas.

In Jos, the capital of Plateau State, Mutfwang made this statement during the closing ceremony of the training of the newly recruited men and officials of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria (VGN).


According to him, there is a strong correlation between security personnel’s productivity and welfare worldwide. As a result, prioritizing their welfare will raise their morale and enable them to respond more quickly to threats to people’s lives and property.

When he was elected governor in 2023, he praised the newly hired staff for their significant contributions to national security and pledged to work closely with them to defend the state’s territory and its residents.

Mutfwang advised them to carry out their responsibilities with commitment, selflessness, and patriotism for the community and the country.


The state commander of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Mildred D. Shepsuk, had earlier thanked the gubernatorial candidate for coming in person and supporting them on behalf of the group.

She mentioned that newly hired staff members received extensive training on how to react to new security concerns in our local communities.

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