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Edo 2024: Crisis brewing in APC, State official suspended over alleged endorsement of Clem Agba



Imminent crisis is brewing in the Edo State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC), following alleged indefinite suspension of a state official.

The suspended official, Mr. Suleiman Bagudu, who is the Assistant State Welfare Officer, was suspended for allegedly endorsing the governorship ambition of the immediate past Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Clem Agba.

It would be recalled that members and leaders of the party in Edo north unanimously endorsed the former Minister at a gathering held in Auchi over the weekend.


It was gathered that the decision of the State Working Committee of the party took the decision to suspend Mr. Bagudu indefinitely after careful consideration of alleged evidence and testimonies presented, which they deemed to be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the party.

A member of the party who asked not to be named, said that the State Working Committee of the party “remains committed to upholding the principles and values of the APC.

“It is their duty to ensure that all party members act in accordance with the party’s constitution and guidelines.


“The suspension of Mr. Bagudu is a clear demonstration of their commitment to maintaining discipline and order within the party,” the source added.

Effort to get official confirmation of the suspension of Bagudu and his alleged offenses failed, as calls made to the party’s State Publicity Secretary, Uwadia Peter and his Assistant, Victor Osehobor Ofure were not answered, just as text message was not replied.

This is even as independent findings by our Correspondent could not confirm if his suspension has any connection with the ambition of the State Chairman of the party, Mr David Imuse, who himself is also aspiring to get the party’s ticket to contest the 21 September, 2024 gubernatorial election in the State.

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