
Omo-Agege promises to revamp infrastructural delay in Isoko Nation



The governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta State, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, has vowed to address the poor infrastructural development in Isokoland if elected.

Omo-Agege, who decried the infrastructural decay in Isoko and other parts of State, assured that an APC-led government will proactively tackle the developmental needs of the state.

The Delta Central lawmaker spoke on Friday during the continuation of Delta APC ward-to-ward campaign to Ozoro, Oleh and Emevor in Isoko North and Isoko South LGAs of the state.


The APC governorship candidate told cheering mammoth crowd of APC supporters that his administration will embark on urban renewal and development of Isoko communities.

He charged the people of Isoko Nation to tap into national politics by supporting APC and all their candidates in the 2023 general.

Omo-Agege posited that Deltans will reject Governor Ifeanyi Okowa’s vice presidential bid at the poll by voting against him and the PDP.


“PDP has lost the presidency already. Deltans won’t allow Okowa to export his failure in Delta State to presidency. Don’t allow Okowa to deceive you, any vote casted for PDP is a wasted vote.

“I want the people of Isoko Nation to key into the politics of the ‘national grid.’ The national grid for the 2023 elections is Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. If we in Delta State want to enjoy the dividends of democracy we must join Asiwaju Bola Tinubu’s bandwagon because he’s the next President of Nigeria.

“We are here in Ozoro, the headquarters of Isoko North LGA. It’s an oil producing local government area. Meanwhile, Okowa is coming after the suffering he has inflicted on this local government and the entire Isoko Nation, he’s still asking you to vote PDP for another 8years.


“With all the monies (N4.2 trillion) that have come to Delta State, what’s the share of Delta North? What do you have to show? Nothing! This is the golden opportunity the Isoko people have been waiting for. Vote all APC candidates”, Omo-Agege said.

The Senate Deputy President

paid glowing tribute to the victims of the boat mishap which claimed the lives of five persons during the party’s campaign to Warri South-West LGA last year.


Omo-Agege said the victims paid the ‘supreme prize’ in their quest to liberate Delta from the maladministration of the PDP-led government of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

According to him, “Let me honour the lives of five ‘gallant Delta soldiers.’ I called them gallant soldiers because they passed in the service and the battle to liberate Delta State from the strangulation and wickedness of the Okowa administration. I want to assure them and their families today, that their sacrifice will not be in vain.

Speaking at the campaign rally, the APC Senatorial candidate for Delta South, Hon. Joel Thomas-Onowhakpor charged the people of Isoko Nation to support and massively vote for APC in the forthcoming general elections.


Thomas-Onowhakpor told crowd of APC supporters at the various wards visited that Isoko people vote the presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and Senator Ovie Omo-Agege as next Nigeria’s President and Delta’s governor.

Others who spoke including former Delta Commissioners, Dr. Karo Ilolo and Chief (Mrs) Betty Efekodha, MC Paul, Mrs Faith Majemite and Apostle Jones Erue assured Omo-Agege of victory in next governorship election in the State.

