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#EndSARS violence: Gov Emmanuel suspend protests in Akwa Ibom



Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State has directed that all demonstrations and protests be suspended forthwith following the unleashing of mayhem in the state capital last Thursday by hoodlums in the guise of #EndSARS protesters.

The Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Comrade Ini Ememobong who disclosed this in a statement made available to newsmen yesterday in Uyo, said the governor also directed that a daily 8 pm to 7 am curfew be imposed State-wide, till further notice.

Ememobong explained that the dusk to dawn curfew which was reviewed to help check movement of the remnants of the undesirable elements who hijacked the #EndSARS protest in the state took effect from Saturday, October 24, 2020.


He stressed that there would be an absolute cessation of movement of persons except those on essential duty, who must bear proper identification, noting that any person apprehended within the period of the reviewed curfew would be prosecuted.

He stated, ” As promised by His Excellency the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr Udom Emmanuel during his broadcast yesterday (Friday) the State security architecture has comprehensively assessed the prevailing security temperature in the State which was raised by hoodlums who hijacked the #EndSARS peaceful demonstration, and observed as follows:

“That though normalcy has returned to the entire State, especially, Uyo the capital city after the expiration of the curfew which was imposed from Thursday night till Saturday morning, there is a prevailing need to sustain the gains of the curfew, by increased strategic surveillance and holistic law enforcement.


“To this end, the Governor has directed that effective today, daily dusk to dawn (8 pm-7 am) curfew be imposed State-wide, till further notice, to help check the movement of the remnants of the undesirable elements who created chaos in our state a few days ago.

” It is also the Governor’s directive, gleaned from the agreement by all youth groups in the State, that all demonstrations and protests be suspended forthwith.

For emphasis, there will be the absolute cessation of movement of persons except those on essential duty, who must bear proper identification. Any person who is apprehended within the period of the curfew will be arrested and prosecuted”


Ememobong further stated that the ongoing successful recovery of looted items by the Police followed the cooperation and collaboration of informants from members of the public.

He, therefore, advised the citizens and residents to report suspicious movement of items suspected to be looted from the raid on business premises, as well as the assembly of strange or known persons, suspected to be plotting an attack on private or public property, to the security operatives, or call the state’s information hotlines.

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