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How hoodlums invaded my home, stole foodstuffs, certificates, passports – Lagos lawmaker



TRACKING_____Lagos State House of Assembly Majority Leader, Sanai (SOB) Agunbiade, said hoodlums who invaded his home in Ikorodu on Friday, October 23, were sponsored to assassinate him.

Agunbiade, who represents Ikorodu Constituency 1, said he got intelligence of the planned attack, but thought it was a rumour.

The lawyer turned lawmaker said when they arrived and didn’t find him, they stole his certificates, travel passports of his family, valuables as well as foodstuffs.


Sharing his experiences in a post on his Twitter handle @Sobagunbiade, Agunbiade said the attackers were not #EndSARS protesters.

TrackNews Online recalls that prior to the attack, messages had been circulating on social media that COVID-19 palliatives were being hoarded at a property at Igbogbo, Ikorodu, belonging to Team SOB, the lawmaker’s political group.

A similar message on Thursday led to the looting of a Lagos State Government warehouse at Mazamaza where COVID-19 palliatives were stored.


Agunbiade explained his side of the story in a series of tweets titled: “The violent attack on my house: Thank you Ikorodu.”

“I got intelligence reports of the plan to exterminate me early enough, but I took it as unfounded rumours. Moreso, I was not ready to have security operatives around lest lives be lost. I trusted in God’s plan for my life.

“But to those that masterminded and sponsored the carnage for nothing other than political vendetta, I say ‘thank you.’ We know ourselves in Ikorodu, but God reigns supreme. God will repay every hands involved in the attack in appropriate proportion.


“I am happy to be alive to witness the 2020 anniversary of my birthday on Sunday 25th October. The plan of detractors to delete me before my birthday has failed. To God be the glory.

“My service to Ikorodu since my teenage years up to this present time is already treasured by posterity and remain immutable. God knows I do not deserve the treatment meted on me by the perpetrators of this politically motivated attack and their sponsors, but I seek solace in God.

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