
Tinubu’s ally, Babachir Lawal, calls APC’s Muslim-Muslim ticket a satanic blunder



By Adeleye Kunle

Former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, a close ally of the All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential candidate Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu, has described the party’s Mulism-Muslim ticket, which made the former governor of Borno State, Kashim Shettima, running mate to the party’s flag bearer, as a disastrous error.

Though Tinubu was a good man and a great listener, the former SGF stated that it was in the nature of power that sycophants and lapdogs had the most influence on leaders with such personality traits.


Tinubu, he claims, has been cornered by self-serving lapdogs and warned that the Muslim-Muslim ticket is dead on arrival.

“I thought I would be able to avoid commenting on the disastrous error by my very good friend, Sen Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in his choice of a running mate,” Lawal said in a statement issued last night. I will be the last person to obstruct my very good friend Tinubu’s path to the presidency. This is because my burning desire since 2011 has been for him to succeed Buhari as President of Nigeria.

“It won’t be true if I say I didn’t see it coming.” I’ve often read his body language, gleaned snippets from several conversations with his lapdogs (some of whom, sadly, are Christians, but the majority of whom are Muslims), and I’ve expressed my reservations to them about the pitfalls of a moslem-moslem ticket, which I sensed they were heading for.


“As part of my obligation to him, a close friend, I had argued the merits and demerits of both ticket permutations to him on numerous occasions.” I have done so verbally and in writing, and I have also done so with some of his close respectable associates and friends.

“In all cases, I had left him with sole responsibility for his final decision, arguing that the consequences of any bad decision would ultimately be his to bear.” However, there may be some collateral damage.” I have also forwarded to him on several occasions counsels and messages from well-meaning Nigerians intended to inform him of the possible outcomes of the presidential ticket permutations. Tinubu is a wonderful man. He is an excellent listener.

“He has a very humble and friendly demeanor toward everyone.” He is extremely generous in both cash and kind, especially when it serves his political interests. But I’ve realized that it’s in the nature of power for sycophants and lapdogs to have the most influence on leaders who exhibit these characteristics.


“They will deceive him, malign and disparage others, and generally do anything to gain his favor while also casting well-meaning associates in a negative light.” I believe this is what happened to my friend.

“He’s been surrounded by self-serving, hero-worshiping lapdogs.” It was never like this before. When he was in his prime in Lagos, he surrounded himself with smart, street-wise men who could speak truth to power. He was surrounded by Rauf Aregbesola, Yemi Osinbajo, Babatunde Fashola, Dele Alake, Muiz Banire, and others.

“Think tanks, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, principles and ideologies were all part of life in Lagos.” However, these people have since matured and moved on to establish their own systems of living, leaving my friend stranded. Nature, they say, despises vacuum cleaners.


Thank you for visiting Abuja.

“Welcome to the Abuja counterpart.” People in Abuja, on the other hand, are infected with modern Nigerian diseases such as religious bigotry, sycophancy, and morbid tribalism.

“They are mostly political operatives who aren’t afraid to use devilish means.” Think tanks and strategic planning are no longer in use. Principles and ideologies are no longer relevant.


“Try calling a meeting; they will not come.” Make a plan, and they will sabotage it. Everything is haphazard and chaotic because they thrive in such environments. As a result, they have exploited his long-term ambition to become President, building it up to a point of desperation and crescendo that easily justifies this satanic resort to a Muslim-Muslim ticket.

Why was Kashim Shetima chosen?

What’s the deal with Kashim Shetima? He is an overly ambitious man with a Machiavellian bent and plenty of money to secure preferred-candidate status among Tinubu’s lapdogs. And, as we’re seeing, to gather phony supporters, particularly from the Christian community, to help him clean up his bad reputation.


“However, as the proverb goes, ‘those whom the gods wish to destroy are first made mad.’ The gods appear to want to destroy the APC and its presidential candidate and have chosen the northern Muslim governors and their super ambitious tool, Kashim Shettima, for this purpose.

“Alhaji Kashim Shettima is a Greek gift to Tinubu from the Northern governors.” I advise Bola to keep Kashima’s two hands visible and empty at all times.

“True, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has made his decision based on the advice of his new friends, and I am sure he believes he is prepared for the outcome of that decision.” He has chosen to place religion at the forefront of Nigerian politics. And, as a Muslim, he has chosen to support his own religion.


“Christians can go to hell with their votes for all he cares.” However, he must be informed that there will be consequences for his decision. Some predict that Christians across the country will revolt against the APC, putting his election chances in jeopardy.

“It will also jeopardize the election of all Christians running in Christian-dominated areas.” As a result, the APC could be a minority party in both the National and State Houses of Assembly.

“Tell me which Christian will vote for APC with the following contraption: Muslim presidential candidate (Lagos), Muslim Vice Presidential candidate (Borno), Muslim National Chairman (Nasarawa), Muslim Deputy National Chairman (Borno), Muslim President (Katsina), Muslim Senate President (Yobe), Muslim Speaker (Lagos), Muslim Deputy Speaker (Plateau), and so on.” APC the Magnificent! Wu na try, woh!


“The northern governors and some of the northern Muslim elite must have convinced him that they will never vote for a ticket that includes a northern Christian.” And he has agreed to their terms. But if he believes a Muslim-Muslim ticket will get him the northern Muslim votes, he should reconsider. It is in their nature to vote for one of their sons in large numbers.

“Their first son, Buhari, will not be on the ballot in 2023.” Their second child will be named Atiku. Proof of a possible Islamic agenda emerged when Governor Ganduje, the ‘Kadmul Islam,’ informed them that Tinubu had assured them he would nominate a Muslim as his running mate.

“For those who are unaware, Governor Ganduje has a foundation called the ‘Ganduje Foundation,’ whose stated mission is to ‘provide selfless service to humanity and Islam,’ but whose primary goal appears to be the conversion of Christians to Islam.”


“So, if Tinubu, in his desperate bid to become President, allows himself to be made into a religious bigot or even a Mujahideen, he is welcome.” However, it is a risk that will not benefit his presidential campaign. However, if he wins and becomes President of Nigeria, he will do so as a sectional President; an Islamic President. And he will almost certainly face widespread discontent and opposition even before taking off.

“Expecting Nigerians to ignore this blatant disregard for the country’s diversity amounts to acquiescing in the commission of grave injustice and discrimination against a large segment of the society.”

“No one seeking to be President of Nigeria should ever use religious extremism and exclusivism to win elections.” This is extremely dangerous. And this is very unfortunate. But, unless he has a last-minute change of heart, Bola has made his decision.


Doom in the Christian community

“He should be told flatly that in this choice, Nigerian Christians clearly see a looming Islamic Republic of Nigeria in its infancy and are right to be concerned.” The Christian community has been depressed across the country since Tinubu announced Kashim Shettima as his running mate. Are the majority of Muslims pleased with this?

“The answer is emphatically NO. So, how do we respond? The decision on how to respond to this deliberately senseless act of provocation is both corporate and personal for each voter who values peace and despises injustice.


“Christians want to continue to leave peacefully with their Muslim neighbors at home, school, work, markets, and on the streets, as we have always done or wished to do.”

“I’m sure Muslims share this viewpoint as well.” No one person’s ambition to rule over us should be allowed to divide and divide us. Bola Ahmed Tinubu should be forced to reverse his decision by whoever has the power to do so.

“President Muhammadu Buhari should use his powers as Commander-in-Chief and APC leader to revoke Tinubu’s nomination for Vice President.” If the nominations are not rescinded, the APC National Chairman should refuse to sign them.


“In the Bible, there is a story about how some people responded to similar provocation: ‘And when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people said to the king, ‘What portion do we have in David?’” We have no inheritance in Jesse’s son. O Israel, return to your tents! Consider your own home, David.’ As a result, Israel went to their tents.” (1 Kings 12:16).

“I hope Bola becomes our next President. “However, I am afraid that a Muslim-Muslim ticket will be ‘Dead on Arrival.’” According to INEC’s election schedule, the arrival date is February 25, 2023. This ticket will drag all APC members to the pit. We should all oppose it.”

The post Tinubu’s ally, Babachir Lawal, calls APC’s Muslim-Muslim ticket a disaster and a satanic act appeared first on Track News.

